Manual Setup Guide

It is highly recommended that you use the "QuickStart Setup" in order to get started with the website software. If you choose to manually setup your website, you can follow the below guide. Please note, this process is longer and more time consuming.

Step 1: Website Control Panel

The Website Software can be found within your GotSoccer account under the purple website tab. If you do not have this activated, it will appear white, and you will need to Contact Us to have it activated. Once you click on this tab you will be taken to the main website control panel.

Step 2: Create A Homepage

In order to view your website you will need to first create a Homepage. In the central column labeled "Website Heirarchy" you will see an alert telling you to create a homepage - you can simply click on the "Created a Homepage" to create one quickly. Or alterntively you can click on the "+ New Page" and follow the Creating a Homepage guide.

You will be taken to the HTML Editor, which is the same for all of the webpages you will create. Here you can insert text into the main text box and use the HTML Editor tools to edit the font, color etc. This will be explained below.

For now, you just need a demo page to view your site, so you can leave this blank if you are not ready to add content, or you can feel free to add real content. Just ensure that you "Publish" your page so that you can view it. Without your page being "Published" it will not be able to be viewed at all.

Check the red highlighted box which says "Published" and then click "Save Page". The "Published" area will now turn to green to show it is active.

Step 3: Configure your Site

Configuring your site is simply choosing a domain name. This is needed so that you can view your website online.

GotSoccer offers a free custom domain name which you can use permanantly, or if you have your own domain name, you can choose to use that.

Note:- Your domain name will not work until you have created a "Homepage" - the domain needs to know where to point to in order to work. Creating a Homepage.

Learn more about domain names

Step 4: Select a Templates

To choose your website template navigate to the template page, under Website -> Appearance -> Template.

Here you will find a selection of templates to choose from. Learn about customizing your templates.

To select a template simply click/check the button next to the template you want, then click "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Step 5: Customize Your Template

Once you have chosen your template you can then customize it by going to the "Appearance" tab.

This page allows you to upload your logo, team name, and change the background colors, images and fonts of your website.

Once you have uploaded your logo and everything else, you can now click on your domain name (which you should have created in step 3) at the top of the page, and can preview your site. If, when click on your domain name you receive a "Club Not Found" page, you have not created your Homepage correctly and must return to step 2 and ensure you have your homepage created correctly.

Learn about the Templates and how to customize them

Step 6: Create Webpages & Adding Content

Once your template is set up, all that is left is to start adding your content.

Simply navigate to the main webpage control panel (learn more about the control panel here), under Content -> Overview. In the area labeled "Website Hierarchy", you will see a "+ New Page" button. Click on this and start creating your webpages.

The website editor is a simple HTML Editor, with a large white space to start inserting your content into. It works as easy as a word document, where you can type in your text and then use the HTML Editor tools to format your page and change the font sizing, family, color etc. Learn more about the HTML Editor and creating content pages.

Remember, you must publish your pages in order for them to be viewable on your website. To do this check the box which is labelled "Published" and make sure you "Save (your) Page". This "Published" button will now change to green to show it is live.

Step 7: Building your Website Navigation

Your main website navigation is created depending on your website/webpages structure. All of your top level pages - indicated with a yellow page icon - will appear on your Main Navigation bar. The "title" given to your pages, will become the buttons on your menu bar. So remember to keep these short and precise as to what the webpage is.

To create drop menus, you will simply "Parent" your pages to one another. The parent page will become the main button and all of the "child pages" will become the drop menu items.

Learn about your website menu bar and page structure