PDF Files

There are 2 ways to deal with PDF files on your website:
  1. Embed the PDF: you can place the pdf inside of a frame inside of your website - this is generally not the best method as it can be difficult for users to read the pdf.
  2. You can link to your PDF file and allow users to open the PDF in a new window. This is a better method.

Watch Video to see how this is done

Embedding code

If you choose to embed your pdf file you will want to change your editor to Text Editor mode and insert the code below - remember to change your source file to your pdf file:-

<object data="myfile.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%">
  <p>It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser.
  No biggie... you can <a href="myfile.pdf">click here to
  download the PDF file.</a></p>