Layouts & Generating Page Links

One of the great things about the software is that you can easily generate page links through a simple click of a button. These links are generated on the left hand side of your content on designated pages. It is important to understand how these page links work in order to determine the best layout for your website. 

The way these page links work is through a Parent-Child method. On the assigned Parent page, all of its child pages will be listed as links on the left hand side of the content. Go to our section on Page Links to learn how to create these.

Now, these links are not a part of the template, and simply generate as part of the Content Area. So whenever you create these links you take up some of the content area. When a page is displayed with no links (or child pages) the content area will expand to it's normal template size. Let's break this down:

Example 1: A simple template using automatically generated page links:

For our first example let's use a simple template with a header, a horizontal menu bar, and NO side navigation or column included in the template. 

Below is how a basic webpage would look inside of the above Template. The content page would be generated right inside of the content area.

Now let's see this same template but with a page that is a Parent Page and has 4 child pages;- About Us, Mission, Directions and Contact Us.

Notice that the links are generated INSIDE of the CONTENT AREA, and pushes the content from that page to the right hand side. Through a simple click of a button, a side navigation menu is created for you. Now, if you had a template with a side menu already there, these generated links wouldn't be a part of the sidebar, but instead would be a part of the designated content area. It is important to realize this incase you decide to have a small content area but also want to use generated links - because the links will reduce the space for your content.

Example 2: A template which includes a side bar inside of the template:

Here is an example of a template that has a left sidebar. This sidebar may have a side navigation and display sponsors etc.

Of course even with this template, you could still generate links automatically by parenting the pages, but you must remember these links will be a part of the content area. The image below will display an example of this:

You can see that the links have generated onto the left of the content area and pushed your content to the the right. Of course, you could decide to just keep your template sidebar and links, and update the template when you want to add more links. Instead of using the generated links. This way you would have one side bar and keep your 2 column layout.

Example 3: A template which puts a sidebar on the Right hand side and uses automatically generated links:

Another alternative is to have a sidebar on the right hand side - which could hold sponsors or links - and use the automatically generated links for your left hand column. With this option, you could still have sponsors/links or whatever appear on everypage, but you could also generate your links to appear as a left hand side column: